World beyond the Clash of Civilizations: An Agenda for International Relations Islam-Disclosure
The Student Diplomatic Corps (SDC) conducted an event entitled, World beyond the Clash of Civilizations: An Agenda for International Relations Islam-Disclosure. With one of the most outstanding student of Ambassador Rosario G. Manalo, Mr. Nassef Adiong went to the Philippine Women’s University and shared his insights on how Islam has been interpreted in various discordant and conflicting ways. Mr. Nassef Adiong is a student of comparative study between Islam and International Relations. He is one of the founders of the International Relations and Islamic Studies Research Cohort (Co-IRIS). He explained that there are debates over the question of authority and legitimacy to speak for and thus define Islam is particularly intense in contemporary times. As a result, confusion and perplexed comprehensions exist among Muslims and non-Muslims alike as to what ‘Islam’s position on a number of different issues such as human rights, democracy, international cooperation, and etc. He also stated that there are various ideologies that spurred the channels and apparatuses in describing, defining, delineating with Islam. This event will serve as an instrument to be able to further comprehend Islamic relations.