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70th UN Anniversary

70th UN Anniversary

DFA UNIO at the 70th Anniversary of the United Nations

69th UN Anniversary

69th UN Anniversary

DFA UNIO at the 69th Anniversary of the United Nations

Asec. Jesus Gary Domingo

Asec. Jesus Gary Domingo

Asec. Domingo at the Exhibit and Lecture Series on Pinoy Komiks

IRRI Visit

IRRI Visit

DFA UNIO takes a visit at the International Rice Research Institute


The Secretariat is the administrative support body of the Diplomatic League.  It is headed by the Secretary-General (SG) who shall be a senior or retired official of the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA).


This body is composed of two components: UNIO and the Student Leaders of the Member Organization. This body is resonsible for making credible reports, progress reports and and all matters such as documentation, event organizing, and management. All inputs of the Diplomatic league will be evaluated and approved if applicable by the Secretariat. 











Secretary General Jesus R.S. Domingo

  • Assistant Secretary (Director-General) - Office of United Nations and International Organizations

  • Career diplomat, with broad multilateral, political and consular experience. Extensive professional network among Philippine, Southeast Asian, United Nations and other International Organization officials. Broad graduate education and professional training in international relations, law and military affairs. Parallel career in academe and civic voluntarism. Particular professional interest in humanitarian and security affairs.

  • Specialties: Developed expertise in international political-security, disarmament, migration, humanitarian, disaster management and inter-faith affairs.

Deputy Secretary General Ric Alarilla

Is a graduate of International Studies from De La Salle University - Manila. Currently, he is a Desk Officer for Political Affairs, UN Peacekeeping (Secretariat) and Crisis Operations of the Peace and Security Divison of the Office of United Nations and International Organizations of the Department of Foreign Affairs of the Philippines. He is also the Secretariat of the Diplomatic League. His line of work compliments his interests in promoting local and international peace in a unilateral, bilateral and multilateral perspective. Although his career in the Foreign Service is still young, his ambition in becoming a Foreign Service Officer is his motivation to serve the Department of Foreign Affairs with all his heart. Ric's hobbies are staying fit and travelling.
















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