![]() Diplomatic League DeclarationThis is the first binding and legal document of the D League declaring its establishment | ![]() SignaturesDocuments to be legally binding shall be signed, and thus pacta sunct servanda applies accordingly | ![]() Diplomatic League ResolutionDecisions are carried out in formal resolutions like in UN | ![]() Diplomatic League CharterThe principal document of the D League over which future decisions will be anchored | ![]() MemorandumsAgreements carried out by the D League may come in a form of MOU and MOA |
Diplomatic League Declaration
We, the assembled Presidents of the lead and major student organizations of Diplomacy and International Relations Program of Philippine Universities and Colleges, under the guidance of the Office of United Nations and other International Organizations (UNIO) of the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA);
RECOGNIZING the need to establish a coordinating institution bringing together the lead and major student organization of Philippine university and collegiate diplomatic and international relations program;
ENVISIONING itself to be a student and pre-professional organization that provides opportunities for its members to engage in relevant and meaningful academic and extra-curricular activities that engage with Philippine and international institutions;
COMMITTING itself to become a leading organization for the advancement of diplomacy and international relations through support of the academic, technical, cultural and social education of its members;
AFFIRMING the need for pro-active, enduring, cordial and synergistic relations, among its members, and with diplomatic stakeholders, particularly the DFA;
DEDICATING itself to helping develop its members to become the future diplomats and international relations leaders of the Philippines and the Global Community;
FIRST, the establishment of an organization to be called the Diplomatic League. The D League’s membership shall be from among the student organizations and individual students of Diplomacy and International Relations and related programs of Philippine universities and colleges, including inter alia Foreign Relations, International Studies, Foreign Service, Consular and Diplomatic Arts, Area Studies, leading to careers in diplomacy and international relations.
SECOND, the aims and purposes of the D League shall be:
To serve as the lead organization and network for Philippine university and collegiate students of diplomacy and international relations and their respective student organizations.
To encourage its members to pursue careers in diplomacy and international relations professions.
To provide a platform for leadership, academic, and professional development of its members.
To advance, communication, cooperation, and camaraderie among its member organizations and students.
To organize academic, extra-curricular, and other relevant activities in the various areas of diplomacy and international relations.
To support efforts to advance the study of diplomacy and international relations in Philippine institutions of learning.
To be a bridge between Filipino students of diplomacy and international relations and the DFA, as well as the other diplomatic stakeholders in the Philippines.
To promote relations with students and other stakeholders of diplomacy and international relations overseas.
THIRD, the principles adhered upon by the D League shall be the following:
That it is primarily a student-led organization, established for the benefits of its members.
That it promotes amicable, harmonious and synergistic relations among its member organizations.
That it respects the identity, activities, rules and regulations of the respective tertiary institutions and student organizations comprising the D League, and the laws of the Philippines.
FOURTH, the pillars of the D League shall be the following:
1. Students’ pursuit of total excellence
The D League shall support the development of the intellectual, emotional, and spiritual excellence of its organizational and individual members.
2. Department of Foreign Affairs’ global pursuit of national interest
The D League shall support the DFA in its pursuit of national interest and the advancement of the Pillars of Philippine Foreign Policy.
3. Global Community’s pursuit of Peace, Development and Humanitarianism
The D League shall support the global pursuit of Peace, Development, and Humanitarianism in Accordance with United Nations (UN) and Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Charters and their respective programs.
FIFTH, the D League shall endeavor to obtain recognition by the DFA and other diplomatic stakeholders as the pre-eminent Philippine tertiary student association for diplomacy and international relations.
SIXTH, this declaration herby mandates the drafting and promulgation of a Charter and establishment of an organizational structure which shall govern the D League in its conduct, upholding of principles, and realization of its pillars and purposes.
SEVENTH, the D League shall conduct its affairs in conformity with Philippine laws and the spirit of the UN and ASEAN Charters, and the body of Diplomatic and International Relations practice.