Diplomatic League
The Diplomatic League started out as an initiative of different persons sharing the same vision. The Department of Foreign Affairs Office of United Nations and other International Organizations, the founding organizations, and dedicated individuals moved by the same cause gathered in a meeting leading to the Diplomatic League's inception.
Less than a year of planning, organizing, negotiations, and mediation a Diplomatic League Declaration was written and formally signed in a Diplomatic Ball last 08 May 2015. It was a momentous moment, for that marked the formal founding of the first national organization of students of Diplomacy and International Relations in the Philippines. An organization dedicated to engaging and preparing students in the practice of Diplomacy. Driven by the idea of contemporary diplomacy that there are now different approaches to diplomacy, different actors, and different tracks engaged. Diplomatic League believes that students can play an important role in diplomatic practice.
The Diplomatic League works closely with the Department of Foreign Affairs Office of United Nations and other International Organizations, which also functions as its Secretariat. With this engagement with DFA UNIO, the D League was able to develop itself into a fully functioning IR organization training and engaging members to diplomacy. Furthermore, D League was able to foster partnerships with different institutions and diplomatic stakeholders, e.g. Embassies, UN, UN Agencies, and NGOs. This growing network is intended to further grow by the introduction of D League Commissions which intends to formalize all the partnerships of D League.
The Diplomatic League operates within its three pillars, i.e. Students’ pursuit of total excellence, Department of Foreign Affairs’ global pursuit of national interest, Global Community’s pursuit of Peace, Development and Humanitarianism. The D League have anchored all its events, programs, and engagements in these three pillars, and envisions itself to be an important contributor to each in the future.
No one's too young for diplomacy.